11th Oct 2011
Sports Turf, Turf Maintenance & Artificial Turf - View Bulletin
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Groundsman Industries Ltd
30 Ballybrakes Road,
County Antrim,
Northern Ireland,
BT53 6LE,
Tel: 02827 667049
New Groundsman turf cutters tick all the boxes
Groundsman Industries have been producing and developing its range of Turf Cutters for over fifteen years. The new Turf Multi Cutters (TMC) range are the third generation in this process and encompasses all the knowledge and experience Groundsman have gained to produce a product which really does tick all the boxes. This product development by Groundsman Industries has been approached with a focus to excel in four key elements, *reliable performance *operator safety and comfort *ease of maintenance and repair * value for money. The years of work are reflected in the new TMC range of Turf Multi Cutters and Groundsman Industries are delighted that these products really do tick all the boxes with increasing sales in local and export markets.
Models TMC2 and TMC4 are two and four wheel drive machines have been designed
not only for performance and reliability but for safe and easy operation with exceptionally low operator hand-arm vibration levels. Syncro flat-belt blade-drive is quiet smooth running giving long service life and low maintenance. The oil filled disengaging ground-drive worm gear is rugged and long lasting. Both models can be fitted with sod blades for 30, 35 40 or 45cm wide cuts plus mole drain and de-compacter blades giving these turf multi cutters added applications. The TMC2 is capable of cutting sod to a depth of 10cm (3”) and Mole-draining and de-compacting to 10cm (4”) depth. The TMC4 machines can work down to 12cm (5”) depth.
The TMC24 is fitted with 6.5HP Honda engine, it is a two wheel drive machine which has been designed for general landscaping purposes but also has the cut quality for fine turf work as well, it can accept 12, 14, 16 and 18" wide sod cutting blades plus the mole and de-compaction blades to 8cm (3") depth. The TMC2 is portable and
very simple to use, it has excellent ground drive traction and will give an effortless high quality cut in all conditions. The latest model is fitted with a pneumatic tire caster wheel which swivels to enable curve cutting but can be locked with a flick of your foot for straight line cutting. This versatile machine can be fitted with a range of blades for mole-draining, soil de-compaction, border-edging and spike-rolling for thatch removal and over-seeding.
Turf Aerators
Core products go back to the roots of Groundsman Industries
Groundsman Industries celebrate two decades since the inception of their unique elliptical plunge action mechanism now used in their range of pedestrian and tractor mounting turf aerators which have carved a reputation for simplicity, performance and reliability.
Nothing stands still least of all time but it’s hard to believe that it was twenty years ago since Billy Warke, the owner and designer of the Groundsman Turf aerator range laid out his plans for an aerator mechanism with would move the tines in two directions using only one crank-shaft. The tine movement was there-after described by Groundsman as an elliptical plunge action. The path which the tines follow as they plunge in and out of the ground is elliptical like a rugby ball. The longer motion is vertical to drive the tines into the ground and the shorter motion is horizontal to move the tines backwards to allow the machine to travel forward without pulling at the tine while it is in the ground and therefore reducing surface disruption. The resulting mechanism was simple and extremely compact lending itself perfectly to pedestrian machinery. Many improvements have been introduced to this patented mechanism over the years but the basic elliptical plunge action conception has remained unchanged.
The test of time
Groundsman Industries was established in 1990 to manufacture this product and has since extended the range to include tractor mounting surface and deep aerators, core collectors and a range of Turf Cutters.
Pedestrian Aerators
The Groundsman models 345MD and 345HD models are common with bowls and cricket circles and their big brother the 460HD is quite often found in the hands of contractors or councils who have a number of clubs to tend. These machines have earned the reputation over the years for rugged reliability and low maintenance with the ability to get into the ground no matter what surface and are now recognised and used extensively in Bowling and Cricket Clubs throughout the UK, Ireland and beyond. They have even found their way into general purpose aeration such as estates and gardens where anything can be encountered under the surface such as stones, bricks or old foundations, their rugged crank and shock absorbing construction enables them to cope in these conditions.
This is the original Turf Aerator prototype which was built in 1988 by its inventor Billy Warke in a garage behind his house in Northern. Ireland.
It featured the first Elliptical Plunge Action mechanism now used in all Groundsman Pedestrian and Tractor Mounting surface aerators.
Groundsman Industries was formed in 1990 to manufacture and market this product. Evidently the product has evolved over the years but the basic Elliptical Plunge Action principal and chassis style has remained.
Four pedestrian models and two Tractor Mounting machines are still in production and can be found working as far away as Australia, USA and Canada.
You can view the full range of Groundsman Turf Aerators and Turf Multi Cutters at www.groundsmanindustries.com
All Groundsman products are covered by a 24 month factory warranty.
The GROUNDSMAN TMC24 Turf Cutter will be on display and demonstrated at Creating Landscapes exhibition on the 25th and 26th of October 2011. Also on display and demonstrated will be the GROUNDSMAN 345HD model Turf Aerator machine for confined and open spaces with quick change tines for hollow coring and spiking to allow the grass roots to breath for naturally healthier grass.
Our website www.groundsmanindustries.com contains our full product and
accessories range plus technical information and short video clips
of the machines working.
Please contact Billy Warke owner and designer of the Groundsman range on Tel: +44 (028) 2766 7049 or email: bwarke@groundsmanindustries.com