22nd Nov 2012
Snow Clearance - View Bulletin
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Vitax Limited
Owen Street,
L367 3DE,
Tel: 01530 510060
Don’t slip up...
Be ready for the worst winter can offer with specialist supaturf salt spreaders and Vitax ice Free, the environmentally-friendly alternative to rock salt.
Supaturf SSR Spreaders are Ideal for keeping access roots, pathways and parking areas safe and slip-free, our pedestrian spreaders include broadcast units, with capacities from 25 to 56 kg, and a simple drop spreader which is ideal for pathways and smaller areas. Ice Free is up to five times more efficient than rock salt but is less noxious and corrosive than the traditional remedy. Ice Free flakes lay where they fall to help prevent slipping and their unique ice-penetrating action helps make surfaces safer to walk on.
For further information contact Vitax Amenity on Tel: 01530 510060 or visit their website at: www.vitax.co.uk