10th Jan 2013
Amenity Pesticides & Sprayers - View Bulletin
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Progreen Weed Control Solutions Ltd,
Kellington House,
South Fen Business Park,
South Fen Road,
PE10 0DN,
Tel: 0800 032 6262
Want to find out how the Sustainable Use Directive will affect you?
The Amenity Forum represents the interest of the amenity sector in relation to the use of pesticides and best practice. As part of their commitment to raise standards across the industry, the Forum and Progreen Weed Control are running a free to attend event on Tuesday 5th February at Bourne, Lincolnshire.
The event will cover how the newly introduced Sustainable Use Directive will affect companies and individuals using pesticides now and in the future and what these legislation changes mean. They will also discuss how the industry is being supported in raising standards through continued professional development schemes and training plans.
This important event is aimed at all those involved in the amenity sector. Whether you are an amenity spray professional, local authority employee, ground maintenance operator, green keeper or involved in pesticide procurement this event will help you to find out more about the Sustainable Use Directive and what needs to be done to protect the Amenity Industry’s interests.
Presented by leading industry figures including Rob Simpson, Chief Executive, BASIS and John Moverley, Chairman of the Amenity Forum the simple informative sessions will help you find out how these changes affect you, your business and the challenges that you may face.
Whether you are an employee of a small or large organisation, if you only attend a single event this year then this should be the one.
Want to find out more or to book your place email info@progreen.co.uk or call 0800 032 6262.
Places are limited so please book early. Attendees will also qualify for BASIS and NAsOR points
A new product that controls difficult weeds in lawns and turf…. is coming soon
As well as promoting best practice, Progreen Weed Control are continuing to launch new products into the amenity industry and are now about to launch a gold standard lawn & turf herbicide.
Launching with full approval on managed amenity turf, lawn and amenity grassland, this new selective herbicide comes in an economical 0.5L pack and gives users the ability to control an extremely large range of weeds including slender speedwell, creeping buttercup and white clover.
Want to keep updated on this exciting new product? Then email info@progreen.co.uk