10th Jan 2013
Amenity Pesticides & Sprayers - View Bulletin
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The new UK Pesticide Guide 2013 is out now
This annually produced publication, jointly published by BCPC and CABI, is now in its 26th edition, and is an essential resource for: authorities, contractors, advisors, professional groundkeepers, local government, gardeners and spray operators.
As the only comprehensive printed reference for all products approved for use in the UK in amenity, agriculture, forestry and horticulture it provides the most up-to-date information available for the main spraying season.
Referring to The UK Pesticide Guide in your decision to apply pesticides helps to encourage the proper and responsible use of pesticides and integrated methods for controlling pests and diseases. It also and leads and encourages “Best practice” objectives in amenity pesticide use.
New for the 2013 edition - New products and actives, including updated Extension of Authorisation for Minor Uses (EAMUs) –which replace SOLAs. A new section on biodiversity also appears in the Environmental Protection Section.
Split into six sections the book covers;
Crop / pest guide index
Pesticide profiles
Products also registered
Key information for users of pesticides
Suppliers of pesticides and adjuvants
The data contained in The UK Pesticide Guide is now also available as a searchable online subscription resource at plantprotection.co.uk. This unique resource is frequently updated and contains much more information than could ever be squeezed into the covers of the book. Redesigned in 2012 the database is now easier to use and well worth looking at if you are a regular user of the UK Pesticide Guide book.
BASIS members can gain 2 CPD points when they purchase the The UK Pesticide Guide 2013 book and 3 CPD points when subscribing to the online version – plantprotection.co.uk.
To order your copy of the book or to subscribe to plantprotection.co.uk contact BCPC Publications Sales Tel: +44 (0) 1420 593 200, Email: publications@bcpc.org or order online at www.bcpc.org/shop/