31st Jan 2013
BTME 2013 Review - View Bulletin
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Certis UK
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Granta Park,
Great Abington,
CB21 6AD,
Tel: 0845 373 0305
Certis launch Mogeton®: Moss killer for use on golf courses
A much needed option for the long term control of moss on golf courses has been launched to the greenkeeping sector and will be available to use from May 2013.
It’s been welcomed by the sector that has previously had limited options. A spokesman for The Sports Turf Research Institute (STRI) said; “During our independent trial the most effective moss control results were achieved from applications of Mogeton.
Based on the active ingredient quinoclamine, Mogeton’s mode of action inhibits the photosynthetic ability of the moss species, making the timing of treatment a vital consideration, with applications restricted to the period from May through to August.
A further feature of Mogeton is in its penetrative ability. Where compared to traditional iron treatments in STRI’s trial discolouration of the moss treated with iron was restricted to the top of the plant only, and did not extend to the base of the moss. The moss treated with Mogeton was discoloured brown right through to the base of the plant, showing a deep penetrating, targeted moss control.
Getting the best out of Mogeton
- Apply as a spot treatment at a dose rate of 1.5g in 1L of water/m2
- Apply Mogeton in the morning to take advantage of higher humidity to maximise uptake
- When applying Mogeton, completely wet the moss cushion during application
- Apply Mogeton when the temperature is ideally ≥15°C to ensure a quicker result
- Use the high water volume (1L/m2) to achieve best penetration of the moss cushion
- Mogeton should be applied by a non-pressurised system using a fine rose or a dribble bar (watering can) to ensure that there is no spray drift and that the requisite amount of diluent is applied evenly to the area under treatment
- Ensure grass can thrive following removal of moss
For more information please contact the Certis technical hotline on 0845 373 0305, or email infocertisuk@certiseurope.com