21st Feb 2013
Grass Seed & Wild Flowers - View Bulletin
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Really Wild Flowers
H.V. Horticulture Ltd,
Balcombe Road,
Haywards Heath,
West Sussex,
RH16 1PE,
Tel: 01444 413376
Use our Native Wildflower & Grass seed and get more from your budget
Maintaining a wildflower and grass area may help you cut costs as you will not need to mow so often, and will also help Britain’s struggling wildlife. So many species of butterfly, moth, bird and insect are now suffering as a consequence of loss of habitat – a team effort is needed and we are here to help.
This company pioneered the use of native wildflower plug plants in 1988 and since then has diversified to supply seed mixtures for grasslands, woodlands and wetlands, as well as native bulbs and bare-root hedging plants. We also provide consultancy services.
Website – If you want to create habitats, landscapes and gardens using native flora, visit www.reallywildflowers.co.uk/department/advice/ for important technical information and tips on how best to establish and manage wild flowers. Please email us or call to discuss any landscape projects or to request a quotation. We will provide a solution for any size of scheme.
Seed mixes - We can supply wildflower and grass seed mixes appropriate to different soil types and for different purposes, e.g. Seed for clay soil, or a Bees & Insects Meadow mix or one for Woodlands.
Plant Species - A diverse range at 40cc plug plant size - despatched all year round. We also supply native bulbs and bare-rooted hedgerow plants.
Soil Assessment Service - Vital to success is a profile of the soil of your site. For just £44.90 (inc. VAT) we provide a report advising the pH, fertility and soil texture and listing species suitable for the soil.
Publications – Free downloads from our website in the Advice section:
“Wildflower Specification Manual” discussing the characteristics of 70 individual wild flowers and “Recommendations for wildflower planting covering grasslands, woodlands and orchids”.