12th Apr 2013
Sports Turf, Turf Maintenance & Artificial Turf - View Bulletin
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Campey Turf Systems Ltd
Marton Hall Lane,
SK11 9HG,
Tel: 01260 224568
New Air 2G2 pedestrian aerator from Campeys
This latest addition to the Campey range of turf aeration equipment is perfect for tackling deep seated compaction on and around golf greens, walkways, professional football pitches and bowling greens.
Tried and tested on golf courses and sportsturf around the world, the Air 2G2 self-propelled Air Injector, uses air to shatter the hard pan created through normal to heavy everyday activity on the course.
Poor soil conditions caused by drought, excessive root encroachment, flooding or general over use of the surface, can all be alleviated quickly and effectively with the Air 2G2.
The Air 2G2 works on the principle of injecting compressed air vertically and horizontally over an area of 5ft (1.5m) to 12" (35cms) deep (depending upon probe fitting). This causes a fracturing effect of the compacted rootzone, with no surface disruption. Play on greens and fairways, tees and around bunkers can be resumed immediately following the treatment.
The benefits include improved growth in the root zone through good micro biotic activity. Better drainage and aeration provides a more efficient take-up of nutrients and moisture that will have long term beneficial effects to the soil structure and health of the grass.
The Air 2G2 runs on a Kohler 19hp petrol engine with hydrostatic drive axle. It is easily manoeuvred by the handles for forward or reverse. All operations are automatically controlled by the push of a button and a computer control panel.