6th Jun 2013
Green Roofs, Roof Gardens & Living Walls - View Bulletin
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Q Lawns
Corkway Drive,
IP26 4JR,
Tel: 01842 828266
How to put a green roof on to a garden building
A living green roof will convert a simple garden building into a penthouse for wildlife as well as offering a host of other benefits such as insulation against heat cold and noise, rainwater management and of course, improved aesthetics.
As gardens get smaller and traditional gardens with shrubs, flowers and lawns are replaced by patios, car parks and artificial grass, life gets easier for the householder but more difficult for the wee beasties such as butterflies and bees, who, unlike foxes, squirrels and rats are unable to forage in dustbins and the like.
A green roof is a compromise between the householders’ requirements for a low maintenance garden and the planet’s need for more oxygen-giving plants and wildlife habitat.
A simple sedum roof is easy to install on to a sturdy garden building and now that the cost of Enviromat sedum matting has been reduced – there’s no better time to get on trend and make that garden office a tad more eco-friendly.
First; assess the building. Is it strong enough to take the weight of the green roof build up? Does it get enough sunshine to support sedum plants? Is the waterproofing in good condition and the building easily accessible for lifting materials on to the roof?
Next; Design and build your edgings. These are to stop the wind getting underneath the sedum roof build up, give a nice tidy appearance and allow excess water to drain away.
Finally; the Enviromat green roof build up consists of two or three layers of specially engineered blankets sitting beneath sedum mats. No need for extra growing medium – it’s all self contained.
For more information, download Enviromat’s FREE green roof installation guide or telephone the growers on 01842 828266