30th Sep 2013
Sweepers, Vacs, Blowers & Collectors - View Bulletin
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Sorbus International Ltd.
R27 Enterprise Zone,
Marshall Way,
Commerce Park,
BA11 2FE,
Tel: +44 (0)1373 475540
One stop shopping with Sorbus International
Sorbus International continue to expand their range of landscaping equipment, tools, Hi-viz clothing and workwear. Already well established as a leading supplier of specialist equipment and clothing for the arboricultural and forestry industries the company is the exclusive UK distributor of the Japanese ARS range of high quality pruning equipment. Established in 1876, ARS produce high quality saws, secateurs, telescopic pruners, shears and loppers with the emphasis on the highest standard of steel production. To complement the ARS range Sorbus have introduced a wide variety of Metallo tools which include quality pruning shears and knives for landscaping and horticultural applications. The company also supplies the well-known Bulldog brand of spades, forks, rakes and hoes.
Landscapers, contractors and local authorities are also catered for with the expanding ranges of quality workwear and protective clothing, including Hi-viz yellow waistcoats, trousers, T-shirts, polo shirts, tabards and jackets conforming to EN471 Class 2 & 3. For rail work there is a full range of Hi-viz orange clothing, detonators, lanterns & lenses and much more. Personal Protection Equipment is covered with hard hats, safety boots, knee pads, fire retardant, wet weather and corporate clothing, gloves and hand kits. The latest addition is CLICK workwear and there is a link on the new Sorbus website to this extensive range.
Sorbus can supply virtually anything to meet landscaping, amenity and safety requirements such as fire extinguishers, safety cones, road signs, warning signs, chemical/ oil spill kits & even life jackets & rescue buoys. All this is in addition to their high tech range of timber decay detection and digital survey equipment, aboricultural and forestry climbing, and chainsaw protection clothing. They say if you can’t see what you want you only need to ask and this one stop shop will strive to meet your requirements.