7th Nov 2013
Fencing and Security - View Bulletin
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Mossfield Road,,
Adderley Green,,
ST3 5BW,
Tel: +44(0) 1782 339320
IAE Mesh Systems and Railings
Established since 1969 and with a group turnover in excess of £40million IAE Group of companies continue to develop markets both in the U.K and abroad.
Operating from a purpose built 26 acre site IAE’s ongoing investment programme in all the latest automated production technology ensures an unrivalled reputation for exceptional quality and innovative product designs.
Finished products are galvanised in house to BS EN ISO 1460 and can be further enhanced by Powder coating to a colour choice to BS 1722 Part 16. Deliveries countrywide are by our own satellite tracked fleet of vehicles, all with off loading facilities.
IAE’s Mesh Perimeter systems oer excellent levels of security whilst complimenting any situation ranging from our most cost eective system,Vmex® and the slightly more aesthetically decorative Zebex® mesh system.
Where the emphasis is on a much higher level of security, Fortex® (Prison Mesh) and more rigid variant Fortex® Beam are designed to be anti climb and are available ex stock up to 3000mm high.
The latest addition to our mesh systems family, Gridex™ provides an architecturally modern, stylish yet highly functional alternative boundary fence.
All the above are ex stock together with a range of pedestrain and vehicle access gates to match, are also available.
For Sport and recreation areas, IAE’s Ballcourt systems utilise Duex® Mesh and Duex® Rebound and can be supplied to form courts of practically any size and oer a wide range of options including goal ends, basket ball hoops and even crickets stumps.
IAE has a full range of robust fencing systems including Bowtop for playgrounds and Vertical Bar systems - Diamex®, Roundex® and Sawtex with an additonal saw tooth rail for added security.
We can make pedestrian and Vehicle gates to match, all of which have the option of PPC to a range of standard colours.
For Urban security, Barrier Gates, with Pedestrain Guardrails and Knee Rails are also available.