7th Feb 2014
Ground Reinforcement & Protection - View Bulletin
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Grass Concrete Ltd
Duncan House,
142 Thornes Lane,
West Yorkshire,
WF2 7RE,
Tel: 01924 379443
Grasscrete and Grassroad for ground reinforcement
Wakefield based Grass Concrete Ltd enjoys the benefit of offering both concrete and plastic varieties of grass permeable paving, and operates a strict fit for purpose policy with over forty years of experience with ground reinforcement products.
For heavy duty use and load bearing then the company’s Grasscrete is the recommended choice, available in varieties of sizes from GC1 to GC3. Where there is a requirement for green landscaped environments Grasscrete’s added advantage of traffic weight loads up to 40-tonnes can make all the difference, especially for car parking areas, overspill or emergency access vehicles.
Grassroad is a unique honeycomb hardened structure, a tough hard-standing material and offers a very easy to lay option that can achieve 95% grass coverage.
Grassroad plastic paving has become a proven system designed for use where light trafficking applications are called for – overflow car parks, grass verge hardening and embankments. Plastic paving relies on the grass root for anchorage coupled with load bearing capability of the sub base - regular trafficking can limit the effectiveness of the system.
For commercial and housing developments in vulnerable flood risk areas Grasscrete is widely utilised for both its strong structural qualities up to 40-tonne traffic weight and natural SUDS qualities including water attenuation at a rate of 8m/second. Attenuation ponds incorporated with Grasscrete help both with vehicle access on site and also help retain storm water, reducing the peak demand on main sewer infrastructure while gaining a landscaped amenity
The company’s Grasscrete product has become the generic reference for permeable grass paving with in-built drainage and reinforcement qualities, now available in colour options with Terratone.
Talk to the experts of 40 years to find out more.