18th Mar 2014
External Works & Pedestrianisation - View Bulletin
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Birch Coppice Business Park,
Dordon Tamworth,
B78 1SE,
Tel: 01827 871871
NEW Ultrascape SUDScrete impresses at Ecobuild
Ecobuild has reported a rise in visitor figures following the end of their 10th show. Ultrascape exhibited for the first time and generated a ‘buzz’ with their new permeable paving system, SUDScrete.
The exhibition was held at the ExCel in London, and visitors flocked from all over the world to enjoy the 3-day spectacle.
Located within the Sustainable Design and Construction section the Ultrascape stand was popular throughout and showcased its eco-products and sustainability initiatives. Both were received exceptionally well and all visitors were highly impressed with the innovative use of recycled materials and the company’s proven sustainable commitment.
Proving most popular was Ultrascape’s new permeable paving system, SUDScrete. The brand’s newest addition offers an eco-friendly porous sub-base for areas such as tree pits, footways and driveways.
Their range or bedding, jointing and sealing products manufactured for paving schemes and projects nationwide, received great interest and the use of recycled content and
BS 7533 compliant approval ensured their mortar paving system stood out from the crowd.
Ultrascape will be supporting Ecobuild in its pledge to raise £5000 for homelessness projects in the UK in association with CRASH. This industry charity initiative is one of many conducted by Ecobuild towards leaving a positive legacy in the communities the show operates.