18th Mar 2014
External Works & Pedestrianisation - View Bulletin
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Smartstreets ltd
94 Sutton Court,
W4 3JF,
Tel: 0208 742 3223
News: Smartstreets wins 16th Design Award for cigarette litter solution
Deploying Smartstreets-Smartbins across high footfall areas offers a strategic and highly effective response to micro litter for cities, businesses and campuses. The design enables provision of convenient, predictably located cigarette bins everywhere they are needed without adding clutter to the street scene.
When a Smartbin scheme is installed, the improvements in local environment quality are immediate.
The greatest benefit is achieved by installing in schemes as bringing a disposal facility within 30 feet of everyone across high footfall areas is the tipping point that changes people's attitude to cigarette litter.
The first step is to commission a survey - Smartstreets will map and spreadsheet recommendations for streets and provide full costings to build a business case for a comprehensive scheme depending on the infrastructure available and the fixings required for each location. Installation services are also offered.
The Smartstreets Smartbin range has won 15 international design, sustainability and innovation awards and is proven effective. The Corporation of London won the Keep Britain Tidy Innovation Award 2013 for it's 'No ifs. No butts' initiative to eradicate smoking related litter from the Square Mile which included deployment of 365 twin Smartstreets-Smartbins . The Corporation of London is collecting over 27 million cigarette ends every year using their Smartbins alone. Which means less litter, cleaner streets and more efficient cleansing spend across the Square Mile.
Smartbins encourage people to be a bigger part of the solution to micro litter. As your Smartbin network grows street by street, cigarette bins become consistently spaced, predictably located and quick to reach the moment they are needed. This removes any excuse for dropping litter. It's a unique, patented approach which works by clamping specially designed bins around any size or style of lamp post, sign post or bollard to create networks of fit for purpose disposal facilities. They can also be installed on walls and railings, plinths and short posts where no infrastructure is available to install onto.
Click here to see a video case study made by the City of London which explains how Smartbins and Minibins have become a central component of their highly effective 'No ifs. No butts.' strategy which has reduced smoking related litter in the Square Mile by 64% since the Smartbins were deployed.
Smartstreets product range now includes beautifully designed campaign pocket ashtrays, bike parking, and gum/dog waste solutions. A brief video introduction is also available here.
To find out more or to book a survey, please call 0800 328 9390 today and discover how Smartstreets can help you deliver cleaner shared spaces and cost effective street cleansing.