21st Mar 2014
Water Management - View Bulletin
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Landscape Watering Systems Ltd
Bratch Lane,
SP3 5EB,
Tel: 0345 230 9697
Specialist products and high quality support from LWS
LWS specialises in the supply of quality irrigation products to the trade, with unparalleled sales and technical support.
As the UK distributors for Rain Bird and many other leading brands in irrigation, it provides a one stop solution for all landscape irrigation needs.
In particular the company’s drip irrigation systems continue to grow in popularity as they offer the most effective and economical use of water for irrigation in landscape and horticultural applications.
With a correctly designed system, low volume and drip irrigation products deliver the right amount of water direct to the root zone of plants which eliminates run off, overwatering and evaporation. Water applied in this way also inhibits plant disease and weed growth as surplus water is kept to an absolute minimum.
The Rain Bird XF (xtra flexible) range is very easy to install and available in various spacings, flow rates and coil lengths which makes it ideal for both contractor installation and trade/retail sales.
The tubing has emitters factory fitted on the inside of the pipe that are pressure compensating and self flushing, resulting in a constant flow rate from each dripper over its entire length giving a long and reliable service life.
A recent addition to the range is Rain Bird XFS (sub surface) dripline, which enables turf to be irrigated using dripline laid underneath the sod. These turf drip systems now offer an alternative to the more traditional method of above ground or pop up sprinklers that throw large quantities of water over the area and that can result in run off, evaporation and overwatering.
During the hosepipe ban in 2012 the announcement by many of the UK’s main water supply companies that drip systems are exempt from water restrictions will undoubtedly help to drive consumers and the trade towards using drip irrigation on valuable planting schemes.
Contact LWS or visit www.lws.uk.com for more information.