4th Apr 2014
Sports Turf & Turf Maintenance - View Bulletin
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DMMP Limited
Manor Farm,
Manor Lane,
LE9 7RJ,
Tel: 01455 825400
Golf club sees a 60% reduction in maintenance time thanks to landscape blades
DMMP Limited, the UK distributor of Maruyama power tools, is delighted to hear that its Maruyama Landscape Blade powertool has served a golf club extremely well, proving a reduction of over 60% in working time when comparing the blade to strimmers. The Landscape Blade is a precision brush cutter with two circular blades and sharpened teeth which use a scissor action to deliver a quick clean cut to grass, scrub and brush.
The busy and popular Davenport Golf Club Poynton, in Cheshire, has been using the Maruyama Landscape Blade for the past four years on 45 bunkers.
“We have used Maruyama Landscape blade for 4 years, edging 45 bunkers and this is the first time we have had to replace the blades,” confirms Phil Thornhill, course manager. “It is very easy to use, and all staff including the most junior members find it easy to operate. It saves us a lot of time compared to equipment previously owned, both in the edging and clearing up.” The blade helps tidying up as it doesn’t spray the bunkers with debris.
The machine requires minimal service, continues Phil: “The blades have lasted superbly, and we have had absolutely no problems with them. The 26cc engine has plenty of power, and has superb reliability and durability. We also use the landscape blade to edge up to our centenary wall as it does not spray debris onto it, which is usually time consuming to clean afterwards. I would have no second thoughts in purchasing more Maruyama outdoor power equipment.”
“Davenport Golf Club Poynton is a great example of making the most of the Maruyama Landscape Blade,” explains DMMP managing director Marcus Palmer. “With a strimmer, each bunker would have taken on average half an hour to trim and tidy up; with the Maruyama Landscape Blade that time is reduced to ten minutes. With 45 bunkers needing trimming once a month, that’s a saving of 15.5 hours, a reduction in working time of over 60%!”
Maruyama constantly develops its techniques and ideas, demonstrating its fastidious strive for excellence in its high standards of technology, performance and design.
For more information about the Maruyama Landscape Blade, please call 0845 643 9776 or visit www.dmmp.co.uk