25th Nov 2011
Snow Clearance - View Bulletin
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Parts Depot (Groundscare) Limited
Regent Yard,
Whitewalls Industrial Estate,
BB8 8LJ,
Tel: 08450 773 773
AS-Motor sweepers
If you are reading this article then snow clearance is of interest or even a concern to you. There are many different types of snow clearing machines on the market, snow blowers, snow brushes and snow blades, but which one is right for you? If you have deep dry, fluffy snow then a blower works very well, but when the snow is under 15cm and is wet then a blade or brush is far more effective. Snow blowers are not so effective on this kind of snow, UK snow and just like a snow blade by design they leave a few millimetres of coverage on the ground which is likely to freeze and turn to ice.
The AS-Motor sweepers are much more effective UK conditions as they run in contact with the ground are therefore leave no snow coverage, you can angle the brush to either the left or right and they will throw the snow well out of the way. The AS-Motor sweepers also have an optional snow blade attachment, and when used in combination they will blade the snow to either the left or right and then the brush will sweep up the remaining thin layer and throw it in front of the blade ensuring a safe clean walk way. The AS-Motor sweepers start from as little as £1,239 and rather than a dedicated snow blower or snow blade the sweepers can be used all year round to clear leaves, dust and other debris from hard surfaces, artificial playing surfaces and remove thatch from grass. Many other attachments are available including a collection box, alternative brushes etc.
The AS-Motor sweeping machines offer great value for money, versatility, plus the build quality is typical from the German company using gold galvanising, sealed bearings, etc.