31st Mar 2015
Street Furniture & Lighting - View Bulletin
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Smartstreets ltd
94 Sutton Court,
W4 3JF,
Tel: 0208 742 3223
Target cigarette litter effectively with Smartstreets-Smartbins
Book a survey today and discover how you can turn the tide on cigarette litter by changing the way people dispose of cigarette ends and gum on your streets and high footfall areas forever.
The Smartstreets-Smartbins is a unique class of bin that is designed to clamp back to back around any size of lamp posts, sign posts and bollards to provide good looking, easily located, gum and cigarette litter disposal right across the street scene at consistent intervals. This uniquely versatile design leverages new value from existing infrastructure to make bin location predictable and convenient for the public every time they need a bin, without adding clutter to the street scene.
The range includes plinths and short posts for installing Smartbins into lawned areas, pavements and by pathways as well as solo wall and railing mounted Smartbins to provide a consistent and easily recognizable bin wherever it is needed.

Smartstreets products have won 21 international design and sustainability awards including the Keep Britain Tidy Award for Innovation (City of London). Adopted by over 200 cities around the world, the Smartbin cigarette and gum bin system facilitates a new strategy for eliminating smoking related litter which is proven effective and will help reduce clean up costs.
Smartstreets offer many other innovations to promote considerate behaviour and help keep streets clean and tidy.
For example, the Smartstreets-Cyclepark converts existing sign posts into secure bike parking for two bikes in minutes and the Smartstreets Minibin Pocket Ashtray helps you promote your clean up strategy in a personal litter bin format people can use when there is no bin to hand.
The City of London estimates it is collecting 27 million cigarette ends each year thanks to it's network of City of London Smartbins with smoking related litter reduced by 64%.
View the video case study here: http://www.cityoflondonsmartbin.co.uk
For further information or to book a survey please visit www.smartstreets.co.uk
Smartstreets Ltd, 94 Sutton Court, Chiswick, London W4 3JF
Sales contact: Andrew Farish T 0208 742 3223 e: sales@smartstreets.co.uk
Galleries are online at www.smartclients.co.uk and www.smartstreets.eu