2nd Mar 2016
Grass Seeds & Wildflowers - View Bulletin
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Everris Limited
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Everris sow the seeds to success
Oldham Athletic AFC has chosen to work with Everris,part of the ICL Group, for all ofits turf requirements.
From seed to fertilizer, everyblade of healthy grass you seeat SportsDirect.com Park andthe club’s training ground hasbeen treated with an Everrisproduct.
It is an exciting time to be apart of Oldham Athletic AFC;a new stand is being built, more commercial opportunities are being presented and the clubis moving in the right direction according to chief executive Neil Joy.
Everris’ ProSelect1 Premier Pitch grass seed which is renowned for its outstanding visual appeal, was chosen.
ProSelect1 establishes adense, hard wearing blend of perennial ryegrasses, offering top performance for high quality stadia, sports fields andrace courses. It also containsa Zip-Speed treatment to helpoptimise germination and establishment rates.
The complete ProSelect grass seed range is part of an ongoing seed development programme, helping to improve mixture performance through use of STRI assessed varieties and Lee could not be happier with his choice of seed.
To maximise his results Lee has also been using SierrablenPlus Spring Starter which features Poly-S coatedfertiliser granules; Greenmaster Liquid fertiliser which has ahigh magnesium content forenhanced colour; Primo Maxx– the UK’s number one turf growth regulator; SeaMax – aninnovative formulation which boasts over 75% of active seaweed content and ProTurf– a high-quality granular fertiliser with controlled release technology. In using this combination of Everris products, Lee believes that he is now set for the season ahead.