6th Jun 2012
Playfair - View Bulletin
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Playfair 2012
Playfair 2012 looks set to be the best yet with several API member companies displaying the latest playground designs, as well as a packed seminar programme, ensuring every visitor leaves with a fresh perspective on play. This year there will be presentations and Q&A sessions on:
- New funding methods for play
- How active play can aid child development
- Community rights to change public space
- Government health initiatives aiming to tackle childhood obesity
- Right Year for Children Campaign (RY4C)
PlayFair promises to be an exciting showcase, whether you are from a local authority, working in education, landscape design, leisure facility or the private sector.
The concentration of sports, play and leisure equipment at this 100% dedicated event offers everyone a great way to keep up to date with the latest products and services. It’s specifically aimed at inspiring the optimum balance and mix of natural play and fixed equipment for children’s play while designed to bring you the best of what is on offer from manufacturers and suppliers.
2012 will also see the API celebrate the fifth anniversary of PlayFair and the show will be co-located with the BALI, The 2012 Landscaping Show for easier visitor access to both events.
Held on the 19-20 June at Stoneleigh Park in Warwickshire, PlayFair 2012 is free to attend. To register or for further information about the show, visit the PlayFair website at www.playfairuk.com