25th Aug 2011
Mowers & Remote Mowing - View Bulletin
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Parts Depot (Groundscare) Limited
Regent Yard,
Whitewalls Industrial Estate,
BB8 8LJ,
Tel: 08450 773 773
Total solutions - infrequent mowing
Times are tough and they are only going to get tougher. The biggest cost we all have is labour so this resource has to be used at its most efficient, which is why it is so important to have the right equipment that will work harder, faster, longer and more reliably plus add versatility.
PSD Groundscare strive to offer the most cost effective solutions available, specialising in BANKS MOWING, INFREQUENT MOWING, BRUSHCUTTING, MULTI-TOOL, RE-INSTATEMENT, WEED CONTROL, SWEEPING & SNOW CONTROL. With a wide range of walk-behind, multi-tool, ride-on, single purpose and remote control machines, plus the only clean 2-stroke performance technology available in Europe gives PSD more COST CUTTING SOLUTIONS than any other supplier.
PSD have specialist area managers who can recommend the correct machine for your application and indicate how this can save you time and money, they can also give you all the HAV figures so that working hours can be calculated. The PSD area managers also carry a wide range of demonstration machinery to ensure you are happy that what has been recommended meets with your requirements. With an extensive network of dealers across the Country, service and backup is never far away.
The solution in most demand at the moment is infrequent mowing as cuts per year are being reduced to save costs. PSD can offer many solutions to this that will not only cope with long grass and brush like no other, but they will then also mulch it up to leave the site clear. The AS 84 is like no other walk-behind, it will obliterate anything in its path and then it will cut and mulch lawns down to 30mm, plus it can handle slopes of up to 45 degrees with ease.